Monday, December 1, 2008

Fun Craft Idea ..For kids and us moms.

Applesauce Dough Cinnamon Ornament Recipe
These ornaments smell so good that you'll want to eat them-- but resist. They don't taste very good, I can promise you that.(Yes, I tasted some dough. And yes, it was gross.) This dough rolls out very easily, and the cinnamon dough ornaments will last for years. (I have some that are almost 10 years old!)
Ingredients:1 C. ground cinnamon1 tbsp. ground cloves3/4 C. unsweetened applesauce1 tsp. essential oil (your choice)2 tbsp. white craft glue cookie cutters or moldsstrawsdecorating materials
Instructions: In a medium mixing bowl, combine cinnamon and cloves. Add the applesauce, essential oil, and glue.
Knead in bowl for a few minutes, until you have a firm, pliable dough. Add more cinnamon if the dough is too wet, more applesauce if it's too dry.
Dust your work surface with cinnamon (just as you would with flour for regular cookies). Roll the dough to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters, or press into a cookie mold (see photo). For molds, press dough into mold, smooth with rolling pin, remove, and cut away extra dough.
While still moist, cut a hole in the top of each ornament with the end of a straw for hanging. Place ornaments on paper towels and air dry for several days. Carefully flip them several times while drying so they won't bend or warp.
In a hurry? Instead of air drying, bake ornaments at 200 degrees F for about 3 hours, turning occasionally.
Tip: Use the essential oil of your choice. Try cinnamon to bring out the cinnamon scent, or apple to make apple-cinnamon scented cinnamon ornaments. Vanilla-cinnamon is nice, too!
Decorating tips: You can decorate these with all sorts of things! Use white school glue, and sprinkle on glitter. Glue on eyes or puff balls, or any decoration you want. Puffy fabric paints make great raised decorations, or use acrylic craft paint to paint designs, faces, names, etc. Let your imagination run wild!
Classic cookie mold.


bluesuede said...

Amy, I have tried these and they are great. I bought some clay cookies presses to make mine. They last forever. I donated them to sell at one of our fundraising events for a non-profit group I'm a part of.

He & Me + 3 said...

What a neat idea. Thanks for sharing. I am always looking for cute things to make with the kids. These would make great gifts!

Lisa said...

I love these!! I made some last year and also made another recipe for ornaments, but tend to like these a bit better. Great idea to share.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Girl how do you have time for all this, LOL!!
BTW, I really enjoy your playlist!

Us said...

I'm going to print this and try it! I'm not much of a "kitchen" girl but I think I can do this! If not, will you come and help me? : ) xo Keli

Aimie said...

I am so glad you did this post! I just found out about these ornaments this week and we are trying them in our youth group meeting this weekend. Wish us luck!